Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

PHS (NIH/CDC/FDA), Model Exclusive Patent License Agreement

  • Protecting & sharing information | Information sharing
  • Protecting & sharing information | Publication of results


8.1 The Licensee agrees to keep accurate and correct records of Licensed Products made, used, sold, or imported and Licensed Processes practiced under this Agreement appropriate to determine the amount of royalties due the IC. These records shall be retained for at least five (5) years following a given reporting period and shall be available during normal business hours for inspection, at the expense of the IC, by an accountant or other designated auditor selected by the IC for the sole purpose of verifying reports and royalty payments hereunder. The accountant or auditor shall only disclose to the IC information relating to the accuracy of reports and royalty payments made under this Agreement. If an inspection shows an underreporting or underpayment in excess of five percent (5%) for any twelve (12) month period, then the Licensee shall reimburse the IC for the cost of the inspection at the time the Licensee pays the unreported royalties, including any additional royalties as required by Paragraph 9.7. All royalty payments required under this Paragraph shall be due within sixty (60) days of the date the IC provides the Licensee notice of the payment due.


9.1 Prior to signing this Agreement, the Licensee has provided the IC with the Commercial Development Plan in Appendix E, under which the Licensee intends to bring the subject matter of the Licensed Patent Rights to the point of Practical Application. This Commercial Development Plan is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. Based on this plan, performance Benchmarks are determined as specified in Appendix D.

The Licensee shall provide written annual reports on its product development progress or efforts to commercialize under the Commercial Development Plan for each of the Licensed Fields of Use within sixty (60) days after December 31 of each calendar year. These progress reports shall include, but not be limited to: progress on research and development, status of applications for regulatory approvals, manufacture and status of sublicensing, marketing, importing, and sales during the preceding calendar year, as well as, plans for the present calendar year. The IC also encourages these reports to include information on any of the Licensee’s public service activities that relate to the Licensed Patent Rights. If reported progress differs from that projected in the Commercial Development Plan and Benchmarks, the Licensee shall explain the reasons for these differences. In the annual report, the Licensee may propose amendments to the Commercial Development Plan, acceptance of which by the IC may not be denied unreasonably. The Licensee agrees to provide any additional information reasonably required by the IC to evaluate the Licensee’s performance under this Agreement. The Licensee may amend the Benchmarks at any time upon written approval by the IC. The IC shall not unreasonably withhold approval of any request of the Licensee to extend the time periods of this schedule if the request is supported by a reasonable showing by the Licensee of diligence in its performance under the Commercial Development Plan and toward bringing the Licensed Products to the point of Practical Application as defined in 37 C.F.R. §404.3(d). The Licensee shall amend the Commercial Development Plan and Benchmarks at the request of the IC to address any Licensed Fields of Use not specifically addressed in the plan originally submitted.

9.3 The Licensee shall report to the IC the dates for achieving Benchmarks specified in Appendix D and the First Commercial Sale in each country in the Licensed Territory within thirty (30) days of such occurrences.

9.4 The Licensee shall submit to the IC, within sixty (60) days after each calendar half-year ending June 30 and December 31, a royalty report, as described in the example in Appendix F, setting forth for the preceding half-year period the amount of the Licensed Products sold or Licensed Processes practiced by or on behalf of the Licensee in each country within the Licensed Territory, the Net Sales, and the amount of royalty accordingly due. With each royalty report, the Licensee shall submit payment of earned royalties due. If no earned royalties are due to the IC for any reporting period, the written report shall so state. The royalty report shall be certified as correct by an authorized officer of the Licensee and shall include a detailed listing of all deductions made under Paragraph 2.13 to determine Net Sales made under Article 6 to determine royalties due. The royalty report shall also identify the site of manufacture for the Licensed Product(s) sold in the United States.

9.5 The Licensee agrees to forward semi-annually to the IC a copy of these reports received by the Licensee from its sublicensees during the preceding half-year period as shall be pertinent to a royalty accounting to the IC by the Licensee for activities under the sublicense.



10.4 The Licensee agrees, after its First Commercial Sale and as part of its marketing and product promotion, to develop educational materials (e.g., brochures, website, etc.) directed to patients and physicians detailing the Licensed Products or medical aspects of the prophylactic and therapeutic uses of the Licensed Products.

10.5 The Licensee agrees to supply, to the Mailing Address for Agreement Notices indicated on the Signature Page, the Office of Technology Transfer, the NIH with inert samples of the Licensed Products or Licensed Processes or their packaging for educational and display purposes only.