Provision Language
“Project Data” means any de-identified data provided by the MoH to PFIZER in the framework of the Project.
9. Publications and Publicity
9.1 Publications
9.1.1. PFIZER and MoH will jointly prepare and publish the Results in submission(s) for publication, to peer–reviewed scientific or medical journals. Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent the MoH from continuing to disseminate Project Data or other data collected by the MoH, other than Result of the Project Objective specified in Section 2.1, to the public on a regular basis or as required for public health reasons and according to Israeli laws, or prevent MoH from possessing and analyzing such data, independent of this agreement and making publications thereof. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent PFIZER from making publications using publicly available data. All publications involving the Project will acknowledge the role of MoH and Pfizer in the Project.
Without derogating from the generality of the above, to the extent that PFIZER and MoH cannot agree on a joint publication within a reasonable time, or to the extent that PFIZER or the MoH wishes to make further publications of data and results from this Agreement other than a joint publication, each Party will provide to the other Party with a copy of the publication [REDACTED] days prior to the date of submission for publication or of public disclosure to review such material. During its review period, the other Party may provide input, make factual corrections, and requires the deletion of any reference to the other Party’s Confidential Information from the proposed disclosure or publication. All disclosures and publications must expressly acknowledge the other Party, unless such Party objects to such acknowledgment. To the extent the Parties cannot resolve disputes regarding publications they shall escalate such matters to a good faith discussion between PFIZER’s [REDACTED] and Sharon Alroy–Preis, MD, MPH, MBA