Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

Gates Foundation Sample Grant Terms & Conditions

  • Protecting & sharing information | Publication of results

PUBLICATION: Consistent with Your Global Access commitments, if the Project description specifies Publication or Publication is otherwise requested by the Foundation, You will seek prompt Publication of any Funded Developments consisting of data and results. “Publication” means publication in a peer–reviewed journal or other method of public dissemination specified in the Project description or otherwise approved by the Foundation in writing. Publication may be delayed for a reasonable period for the sole purpose of seeking patent protection, provided the patent application is drafted, filed, and managed in a manner that best furthers Global Access. If You seek Publication in a peer–reviewed journal, You agree to adhere to the Foundation’s Open Access Policy available at:–We–Work/General–Information/Open–Access–Policy, which may be modified from time to time. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring Publication in contravention of any applicable ethical, legal, or regulatory requirements. You will mark any Funded Development subject to this clause with the appropriate notice or attribution, including author, date and copyright (e.g., © 20<> <Name>).