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Provision Language
14. Scientific Publications
14.1 Notwithstanding Clause 13, and in accordance with DNDi’s mission statement on providing access to the public of its research, DNDi and Entasis will encourage publications in scientific journals, abstracts or conferences of the scientific data and/or results of the Collaboration Programme pursuant to this Clause 14.
14.2 Each Party shall submit to the other Party prior to publication any draft publication relating to the Collaboration Programme for review at least twenty–eight (28) days prior to the intended date of publication, and permit it to submit comments which the publishing Party shall reasonably take into account, or object to such publication on the grounds that it discloses patentable inventions or discloses confidential technology of a Party. Should Patent Rights be sought by a Party upon any data in the draft publication, publication can be delayed by a maximum period of ninety (90) days to allow for drafting of the Patent Rights application. Each Party will, on the reasonable request from the other Party, remove from any proposed manuscript or presentation any Confidential Information of the other Party provided that neither Party will be prevented from publishing Confidential Information of the other Party (and in particular clinical data) to the extent that publication of such Confidential Information is required for any Regulatory Dossier or in order to obtain a Marketing Authorisation.
14.3 Both Parties will ensure that all written communications, including those that originate from one of their respective partners, indicate that the Drug Product was jointly developed through collaboration between DNDi and Entasis.