Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

CEPI – Novavax, COVID-19 Vaccine Funding Agreement

  • Equitable access | Affordable pricing

14. Equitable Access

14.1. Commitment to Equitable Access. CEPI is committed to achieving equitable access to the results of all CEPI–supported programmes pursuant to the “Equitable Access Policy” referenced in CEPI’s Third Party Code. Equitable Access means that a Project Vaccine is available first to populations at risk when and where they are needed at affordable prices. For clarity, it is CEPI’s intention that the price of a Project Vaccine shall be commercially sustainable to the manufacturer.


14.6. Pricing Objectives. The Parties acknowledge that the price of the Project Vaccine is critical to achieving Equitable Access during the Pandemic Period. Accordingly, Awardee agrees that its pricing shall be reasonable to achieve Equitable Access for populations in need of a Project Vaccine as well as an appropriate return on investment for vaccine manufacturers that make on–going supply commercially sustainable. The Parties acknowledge that the availability of pandemic insurance as described in Clause 17.7 shall be a relevant cost factor in Equitable Access. For clarity, the purchase of Project Vaccine by the Global Allocation Body or by any other purchasing agent(s) designated by CEPI shall be considered to have satisfied the pricing requirements for Equitable Access.


14.8. Information about Production, Supply, Pricing and Sales. Upon written request by CEPI, Awardee shall provide reasonable information about its COGs, production, supply, pricing and sales of Project Vaccine sufficient to evaluate whether such activities meet the Equitable Access Policy.

14.9. Audit of Cost of Goods. No more than [***] and at CEPI’s reasonable cost, CEPI shall have the right to review or to designate an external auditor (which shall be an internationally recognized certified public accounting firm, not engaged on a contingent basis) to review Awardee’s financial records relevant to the information provided in Clause 14.8. Such audits will be conducted during normal operating hours in a manner to minimize disruption to Awardee’s business. In event that the audit concludes that the COGs and production, allocation, supply or pricing of Project Vaccine doses are not substantially in accordance with the achievement of Equitable Access as described in Clause 14.1, then Awardee shall: [***]. The provisions of this Clause 14.9 shall apply to any Sub–Grant Awardees and Trusted Collaborators.