Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

CEPI – Novavax, COVID-19 Vaccine Funding Agreement

  • Business model | Benefit sharing

15. Commercial Benefits

15.1. Commercial Benefits. CEPI is required by its own funders to obtain a share of any awardee’s Commercial Benefits as a contribution to support CEPI’s programme activities. As used in this Agreement, “Commercial Benefits” means any economically quantifiable benefits that arise from the commercial exploitation of the Project Results (including the Project Vaccine) other than in preparation for or in response to the Outbreak. Examples of Commercial Benefits include the sales of a Project Vaccine for market, commercial licensing of Project IP, receipt of government–granted incentives such as Priority Review Vouchers and revenue from the commercialization of combination, derivative or follow–on products (including antibody products, assays and vaccines) or application of production technology resulting in whole or part from CEPI funding.

15.2. Sharing of Commercial Benefits. Notwithstanding Clause 15.1, in consideration for the Awardee accepting and complying with the provisions of Clause 13, CEPI agrees to forgo any share of potential Commercial Benefits.