Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

CEPI – CureVac, Framework Partnering Agreement

  • Equitable access | Territory access commitments
  • Protecting & sharing information | Technology transfer


Approved Regulatory Authority” means the EU European Medicines Agency, the US Food and Drug Administration, SwissMedic, Japanese PMDA, Australian Therapeutic Goods Agency, South Korean Ministry of Drug Safety, Health Canada, the United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) or Singapore Health Sciences Authority.

RNA Optimizer Toolkit” shall mean the methodology used and processes applied at Partner at the date of CEPI’s request according to Clause 8.3.3 to provide optimized nucleotide sequences;

Technology Transfer Materials” means the materials required to be made available to a Trusted Manufacturer to enable such Trusted Manufacture to (i) adapt, develop and use the Platform for the Manufacture of Products for use in the Field and in the Affected Territories (ii) develop, formulate, recreate and show equivalence (where relevant) to Products developed by Partner under an Additional Work Package. For the avoidance of doubt, Technology Transfer Materials do not include RNA Optimizer Toolkit technology.

7. Partner Obligations


7.2  Regulatory. Subject to specific Work Packages, the Partner agrees to use Reasonable Efforts develop the regulatory strategy for the Platform for use in the Field and the Project Vaccine for use in the Field, in both cases in accordance with the relevant Work Package Statement for review and approval by JMAG. Such strategy shall include the strategy with respect to any data, market or other regulatory exclusivity periods that may be applicable in the Affected Territory or a territory which may be served by an Approved Regulatory Authority.

7.3  IND or CTA. Subject to specific Work Packages, the Partner agrees to use Reasonable Efforts to file for, obtain and maintain an IND or a CTA for Project Vaccine Developed by Partner for use in the Field in both a territory served by an Approved Regulatory Agency and the Affected Territory.


7.6 Trusted Manufacturers. Subject to the undertakings to be defined in the Additional Work Packages and – upon Partner’s request, subject to a separate confidentiality agreement to be concluded between the Partner and the Trusted Manufacturer – the Partner will support CEPI in appointing one or more Trusted Manufacturers that are technically and operationally capable of and willing to rapidly Manufacture Product for use in the Field in the Affected Territory on an ongoing basis both during and after completion of the Project, in accordance with CEPI’s requirements, as set forth herein.

7.6.1. Subject to the undertakings in the Additional Work Packages the Partner shall:

(i) grant appointed Trusted Manufacturers all necessary rights to use (on a non–exclusive, royalty–free and license–fee free basis) the Background Technology and Project Technology to further Develop the Platform, and to Manufacture Products for use in the Field in the Affected Territory in accordance with the CEPI Production Timescale and in the quantities reasonably likely to be necessary in the event of an Outbreak or risk of Outbreak in the Field and at a cost of goods in line with the methodology to determine pricing obligations set out in the CEPI Equitable Access Policy;

(ii) provide the Technology Transfer Materials to the Trusted Manufacturers and ensure that such Technology Transfer Materials are kept up to date, in particular, at each date on which the Partner requests any payment from CEPI, on the occurrence of one or more Conditions Precedent and on termination or expiration (for whatever reason) of this Agreement;

(iii) at the request of CEPI, enable Trusted Manufacturers to establish a warm base for the further Development of the Platform, and Manufacturing of Products for use in the Field in the Affected Territory;

(iv) collaborate with public sector agencies to use the Platform to Manufacture Products for use in the Field in the Affected Territory in accordance with the CEPI Production Timeframe in the quantities reasonably likely to be necessary and at a cost of goods in line with the methodology to determine pricing obligations set out in the CEPI Equitable Access Policy, in particular before any Outbreak or when there is Risk of Outbreak; and

(v) provide all necessary commercially reasonable support to the Trusted Manufacturers to facilitate the foregoing.

7.7 Partner nominees for Trusted Manufacturers. Upon CEPI’s request, Partner will use Reasonable Efforts to notify CEPI of suitable Trusted Manufacturers for appointment by CEPI.

7.8 CEPI nominees for Trusted Manufacturers. CEPI may nominate by notice in writing to Partner Third Parties as suggested Trusted Manufacturers. The Partner shall consider any Third Parties nominated by CEPI as potential Trusted Manufacturers in good faith. Where a Third Party nominated by CEPI is not acceptable to the Partner on reasonable grounds (including commercial grounds), the Partner shall notify CEPI promptly of its decision and the reasonable grounds and CEPI shall not appoint such Third Party as a Trusted Manufacturer.

7.9 Additional Trusted Manufacturers. Subject to specific Additional Work Packages, CEPI has the right during the Project Term to pursue the appointment of additional Trusted Manufacturers where such additional capacity is necessary or useful to:

7.9.1. develop and/or increase Manufacturing capacity for Products for use in the Field in the Affected Territory to satisfy demand or likely demand;

7.9.2. develop and provide warm base Manufacturing capacity for emergency planning and contingency planning;

7.9.3. Manufacture emergency stockpiles of Products for use in the Field in the Affected Territory.

Partner shall consider CEPI’s requests for additional Trusted Manufacturers in good faith and shall within [*****] of receipt of such request notify CEPI in writing whether the Partner agrees or declines to support the appointment of additional Trusted Manufacturers by CEPI together with the grounds for its decision.

7.10 Disputes as to Trusted Manufacturers. In the event that the Parties are unable to reach agreement on the identity, number and/or necessary aggregate capacity of Trusted Manufacturers, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure set out in Clause 22.

13. Commercial Benefits Arising from Commercial Use

13.3 Use of Product in Affected Territory Only. CEPI intends to take Reasonable Efforts to ensure that the Products will be utilized in the Affected Territory only and to prevent parallel imports of such Products into other countries, which efforts may include CEPI or its contractor or licensee placing an indication on the packaging of the Products that they are for use in countries of the Affected Territory only and are not to be exported into any other countries. If either Party becomes aware that parallel imports of such Products outside the Affected Territory are occurring, the Parties will inform each other and will cooperate in good faith to verify the circumstances and take such reasonable action as they mutually agree is necessary.