Master Alliance Provisions Guide (MAPGuide)

CARB-X Portfolio Company Agreement Template

  • Protecting & sharing information | Publication of results

Section B: General Terms and Conditions

16. Publications

a. All planned publications and public presentations (e.g., abstracts, manuscripts, journal articles, posters, public regulatory filings, slide decks, etc.) related to this Project must be coordinated with Managing Entity. For relevant publications, Portfolio Company will provide the CARB-X Communications Team ( and the CARB-X Alliance Lead with advance copies at least five (5) days before they are submitted or re-submitted for publication. For relevant presentations, Portfolio Company will provide the CARB-X Communications Team and the CARB-X Alliance Lead with a copy at least five (5) days in advance of any public presentation. Managing Entity will have no role in the preparation, editing or approval of the material. Managing Entity review will be limited to verification of references to CARB-X and required Funder acknowledgments and disclaimers. These requirements shall survive termination or expiry of this Agreement and shall continue in force for two years after the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

b. See also Section C, sub-section 5.02 “Open Science” and Attachment 5 (Other Funder Terms and Conditions)

Section C: CARB-X Special Terms and Conditions

Article V. Stewardship and Access plus Additional Obligations


5.02 Open Science

(a) CARB–X supports the unrestricted access to the published research resulting from the Project and the public dissemination of the results or datasets underpinning any clinical trial or other preclinical or animal–based research, including positive and negative results.

(b) Therefore, the Portfolio Company will endeavor to the greatest extent possible, consistent with timely filing of patent applications, to publish results from the Project (whether positive or negative and as described in (a) above), so that the results of this Project are placed in the peer–reviewed literature as soon as practical.

(c) The Portfolio Company will make available any publications of research funded by CARB–X through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PubMed Central as soon as possible and in any event no later than six months from the date of final publication (in accordance with the Wellcome Trust’s Open Access policy:

(d) The Portfolio Company will provide Managing Entity with advance copies of all publications and public presentations (e.g., abstracts, manuscripts, journal articles, posters and public regulatory findings, slide decks, etc.) involving CARB-X or the Project. For relevant publications, Portfolio Company will provide the CARB-X Communications Team ( and the CARB-X Alliance Lead with advance copies at least five (5) days before they are submitted or re-submitted for publication. For relevant presentations, Portfolio Company will provide the CARB-X Communications Team and the CARB-X Alliance Lead with a copy at least five (5) days in advance of any public presentation. Managing Entity will have no role in the preparation, editing or approval of the manuscript; Managing Entity review will be limited to approval of the CARB-X messaging. An unpublished patent application will not be deemed to be a publication for the purposes of this subsection (d).

Attachment 5: Other Funder Terms and Conditions

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (“Foundation”)

PUBLICATION. In addition to the requirements detailed in Section B, Article 16 and Section C, subsection 5.02, if Portfolio Company seeks publication in a peer–reviewed journal, such publication shall be under “open access” terms and conditions consistent with the Foundation’s Open Access Policy available at:–We–Work/General–Information/Open–Access–Policy, which may be modified from time to time. Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring publication in contravention of any applicable ethical, legal, or regulatory requirements. Portfolio Company will mark any such publication subject to this clause with the appropriate notice or attribution, including author, date and copyright (e.g., © 20<> <Name>).