Equitable Access Toolkit

How Can Equitable Access Policies Result
in Measurable Impact?


Funding entities and product development partnerships (PDPs) work with multiple partners to achieve their equitable access objectives. While partnerships can be informal arrangements, they are often governed by a contract, or agreement, that contains specific obligations.

What does “Equitable Access” mean?
Different organizations may have differing definitions of what equitable access means to them based on their own mission and focus areas. However, a unifying principle is that medical products should be sustainably affordable and accessible. Read more.

Why do contracts matter?
Contracts provide the legal framework that governs a partnership. A signed contract is a confirmation that the involved parties have aligned expectations for the partnership. Without this written alignment, there is an increased risk of misunderstandings between the parties, and it becomes more likely that the partnership will fail to achieve the intended outcomes. Read more.

What are “Access Terms”?
Contracts can include requirements that have a direct impact on the affordability, availability, and sustainability of medical products, particularly for lower-income countries and populations. The definitions, obligations, and enforcement measures included in contracts can be critical to achieving equitable access goals. See GHIAA’s Equitable Access Pyramid.

How can impact be measured?
It is important for funders and PDPs to be able to monitor and measure the impact of the access terms in their contracts so that they can assess progress towards achieving their equitable access goals. Organizations need to ensure they have clear metrics for measurement and that their partners capture and report relevant data. Read more.

This toolkit has been built based on the data in the MAPGuide and the GHIAA team’s experience of negotiating and implementing agreements. We intend that the toolkit will evolve and expand over time based on input from MAPGuide users and availability of new agreements showing examples of alternative approaches. We welcome ongoing constructive dialogue around these materials and encourage you to contact us or fill in our feedback survey to share your thoughts, questions and suggestions.

Authors: Bridie Telford, Julia Barnes-Weise, Britnae Purdy

First publication date: November 21, 2022